14. Dez. 2019
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess - The Great European Song Book
A celebration of Schubert & Schumann & Brahms As always when we play at Porgy & Bess, the wonderful Jazzclub in the heart of town, we...
8. Dez. 2017
Portrait mathias rüegg at Porgy & Bess 7. - 9.12. 2017
DAY TWO ein Bericht von mathias rüegg Introduction: Alter und Askese Konrad Paul Liessmann im Gespräch mit mathias rüegg Wir zwei waren...
7. Dez. 2017
Portrait mathias rüegg at Porgy & Bess 7. - 9.12. 2017
Im Vorfeld... Bereits im September 2016 hatte ich mein Portrait in Christoph Hubers Porgy & Bess zu planen begonnen und mich um die...
6. Dez. 2017
Happy Birthday mathias! Porgy & Bess, Wien (AT)
Ich kann es noch gar nicht wirklich fassen; diese drei Porgy-Tage haben sich beinahe unwirklich angefühlt. Ich war aufregungstechnisch...
2. Nov. 2017
Salzburg (AT), Oval
The first of November is a special public holiday in Austria called “Allerheiligen“ followed by „Allerseelen“ on the second of November....
19. Okt. 2017
Hallein (AT), Freysitz - Duo Concert
Our second official Duo concert was coming up, and on Thursday round noon, after a short rehearsal, we packed our bags and went to the...
14. Sept. 2017
Eisenstadt (AT), Festival Herbstgold
The day before our concert we met and rehearsed with Hans and Ingrid – we hadn‘t played our Winter Journey for some time and hadn‘t seen...
3. Feb. 2017
Feldkirchen "A Winter's Journey"
We hadn‘t played Schubert's songs for quite a while and to make sure, our Winter Journey was as fresh as it could be, we had a long and...
10. Nov. 2016
Florenz (I) - Villa Medicea di Castello
Canzoni per Roberto...and you probably think that we mean Robert Schumann : ) but actually a very different Robert was the reason for our...
22. Juli 2016
Semmering (AT), Kurhaus Kultur.Sommer.Semmering
We were part of this year‘s „Kultur.Sommer.Semmering“ and I was very much looking forward to playing Schubert‘s Winter Journey within...