17. Jan.
Muri (CH) - Kloster Muri 'A Winter's Journey'
In fall, I received a call from Switzerland about a Winterreise Festival that Pascal Hüppi had organized at Kloster Muri. I was beyond...

15. Jan.
Affoltern am Albis (CH) - La Marotte
Playing my own music has been a long journey for me. Allowing myself to write and being brave enough to share it with musicians I deeply...

31. Mai 2024
Tonhalle Düsseldorf (DE), Schumannfest 2024
When the stars align and you find yourself surrounded by flowers then it must be Schumannfest 🌺! We all met at the airport right after...

30. Mai 2024
Vienna (AT) Porgy & Bess, The Great European Song Book
The Great European Song Book 'Return to the Porgy' always feels familiar and yet never the same. We hadn’t played our European Song Book...

13. Okt. 2023
Vienna (AT) - Porgy & Bess, Brick 15 & Theater Schönbrunn
Tourdiary Vienna 14.10 Fritz Pauer Tribute – Duo Georg Vogel + 19.10 Die schöne Müllerin – Julian Prégardien & Daniel Heide + 24.10 MDW...

29. Juli 2023
Chur (CH) - JazzChur Sommer Festival
Ahhh this has been great!!! What an amazing festival! Over the years we had played in Chur a couple of times and loved it every time!...

9. Feb. 2023
Vöcklabruck (AT) - Stadtsaal 'The Great European Song Book'
Close to home. Vöcklabruck is only about a 20 min trainride from my hometown Wels. mathias and I took the train from Vienna ‘round noon...

26. Dez. 2022
Holiday Special - A Song & A Story
Goodnight Porgy - An Encore to a life in music written by Zach Ring A musical vision fifty-years in the making bursts like LED-lights, or...

7. Dez. 2022
Wien (AT), Porgy & Bess - mathias goes 70 & The Blue Piano
I can’t begin to tell you how much discussing and planning this date - mathias’ birthday, this concert at Porgy & Bess including the Blue...

30. Nov. 2022
Dübendorf (CH) - Obere Mühle 'Jazz in Dübi'
The whole Blue Piano Team took the early train from Vienna to Zürich and then continued a bit further to Dübendorf. We all slept or tried...