27. Aug. 2022
Bellmund (CH) - Kulturzentrum La Prairie
What a musical adventure! I took the train from my hometown Wels towards Bern and continued to Biel/Bienne at Bielersee the day before...

17. Aug. 2022
Hamburg (DE) - Elbphilharmonie SHMF
I slept late and got to the breakfast buffet just in time : )! Pick up to Hamburg was at 12:00 and yesss it was time to meet: Frau Elphi....

16. Aug. 2022
Lübeck (DE) - Schleswig Holstein Musik Festival
Second time around at Schleswig Holstein Musikfestival and we all were looking forward to playing our Brahms Song Book as part of this...

5. Aug. 2022
Schloss Waldenfels (AT) - Waldenfelser Musiksommer
In her introduction of the evening, the organizer of Waldfelser Musiksommer amazing Nina Maderner said that there are couple of things...