14. Sept. 2017
Eisenstadt (AT), Festival Herbstgold
The day before our concert we met and rehearsed with Hans and Ingrid – we hadn‘t played our Winter Journey for some time and hadn‘t seen...

6. Juli 2017
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess - Pale/rüegg feat. the big.mdw.band
One more night with the big.mdw.band!!!Thank you to Bert Müller for taking these wonderful pictures and thank you once more to aaall the...

26. Juni 2017
Recording Diary
THE SCHUMANN SONGBOOK DAY 1 We started with "Erstes Grün" - and we were lucky..."first green" - "first take"!!!Followed by "Ich hab im...

25. Feb. 2017
Linz (AT), Landestheater - The Schumann Songbook
I went to mathias‘ place round noon to pack everything I might need, my flute, notes and my Schumann Songbook : ) ...and just when we...

15. Nov. 2016
Zürich (CH), Exil
OH my, I think I am still out of breath from my morning sprint on that day : )...I forgot my passport and I had to run from trainstation...

10. Nov. 2016
Florenz (I) - Villa Medicea di Castello
Canzoni per Roberto...and you probably think that we mean Robert Schumann : ) but actually a very different Robert was the reason for our...

3. Nov. 2016
Klangraum Waidhofen (AT) - Kristallsaal Schloss Rothschild
It was the day after our premiere at the Porgy, the second time we played our Schumann Songbook in front of an audience and it was the...

2. Nov. 2016
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess - Premiere "The Schumann Songbook"
Playing new material for the very first time always brings me to my limits and although there is this is feeling that I can‘t wait to...

27. Juli 2016
Vienna (AT), Porgy & Bess VAO & Winter Journey & my poet's love
DAY 1 It probably was the most challenging week I‘ve experienced so far...everything seemed to happen at once...after our concert at...

22. Juli 2016
Semmering (AT), Kurhaus Kultur.Sommer.Semmering
We were part of this year‘s „Kultur.Sommer.Semmering“ and I was very much looking forward to playing Schubert‘s Winter Journey within...