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Schloss Puchberg (AT)

Kiwanis Club Wels - Charity concert

Coming home - for me playing in my home town is extremely challenging, I am even more nervous than usual and as for now I am kind of living at Schloss Puchbeg - it really felt like actually playing at home : ). mathias called me from the train and told me that Ingrid hurt her shoulder, it was inflamed and she was in a lot of pain and could hardly move her arm!!!!!!! I picked up mathias, Ingrid and Mario up at the train station in Wels and we drove straight to the beautiful Castle in Puchberg (as Hans is from Upper Austria as well, Buchkirchen, he visited his home before coming straight to the venue). We had plenty of time before our soundcheck…we all were hoping to play outside underneath the linden trees but it was raining all day long, so Thomas Egger was already setting up everything we needed inside the castle in the main hall. mathias was very happy with his piano : ) I have to say!!!But back to our emergency Miss Ingrid Oberkanins…I called our personal doctor, our hero, the one and only Doctor G. Brandlmaier and he came as quickly as he could and gave Ingridi what she needed to get through the evening…and she did!!!!Can you imagine…somehow she was able to play the whole concert, being there and giving her best despite everything - chapeau Ingridi, you are incredible!!!And thank you Doctor G for your support!!! The whole evening was organized by the Kiwanis Club Wels with its president Mister Maschik and at this point we would like to say thank you so much for inviting us! The concert was a charity concert for children in need and the main hall was crowded and every single one who came out that night supported the good cause of this evening. Unbelievable, thank you so much to all of you for coming out and supporting this night!!!We had a wonderful time on stage, our sound magician Thomas Egger made us feel extremely comfortable from the very start (as always thank you Thomas!!!) and we were welcomed by a wonderful audience, extremely focused. With us that night Mister Mario Rom on trumpet and as always blowing our minds and ears : )…thank you Mario! At some point during the concert my note stand fell down and it landed in the hands of my former math tutor when I was struggling at school : ). We ended our set with „der Lindenbaum“ by Franz Schubert and Wilhelm Müller and I was struck and moved by the incredible support and feedback of so many familiar faces : )…my family was there! And friends that I havent seen in a long time (thank you Veronika for my cucumber : ) ) - acquaintances that have known me for a loooong time - my math tutor, my needle work teacher from primary school and so on : )…it is crazy and wonderful when your past catches up with your present in moments like this!

I stayed up, talking and enjoying the evening - the castle got quiet - mathias sat down at the piano one more time and he attracted a very special listener, you’ll see : )! Feeling grateful for being at home I fell asleep,

Yours Lia!

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