Budapest (HUN), Opus Jazz Club
"my poet's love"
I love Budapest and the Opus Jazz Club. We played our Winterjourney at Opus two years ago and I was very much looking forward to be back. We had a special guest with us or I did : ) my friend Sarah from Amsterdam was visiting me and she decided to come along, yes yes yes! „To travel is to live“ (H.C. Andersen) and if its with people you love, one can only be truly grateful! My cold got a little better and sometimes I was able to breath through my nose : ), I continued with my medicine and ginger lemon honey treatment and prepared myself for the soundcheck. One of the wonderful things about Opus is, is that the hotel rooms are in the same building of the concert venue. I love it!It is extremely comfortable and practical at the same time : )! The audience in Budapest is the most quiet audience in the world I think. I remember the first time I was there, I was a little irritated until I understood that this is because they are concentrating so intensely on what is going on on stage. On the walls of the Opus you’ll find the most wonderful live portraits of musicians who played there, all taken by Mister Pawel Karnowski and when they showed me the portrait he made of me and I noticed that they’re gonna put it up there along with all the other portraits, I was so excited - I couldn't believe it!!!Pawel’s pictures have an incredible energy, somehow he can capture the special moments, the pure moments of a musician when there is only music, you look at his pictures and you can hear and see the music. Thank you Opus, thank you Pawel!!!We had a wonderful time on stage, enjoying every song on our way. We finished with „Diamonds and Pearls“ and an incredible Solo of Miss Ingrid Oberkanins. As our encore we played a Schubert tune : ) and I dedicated my a capella solo to my friend Sarah. We had a wonderful time, I had a wonderful time - thank you to everyone who made this evening possible!Thank you Thomas (our sound magician), thank you to the whole band, Hans, Ingrid, Fabian and mathias for always giving all you got and inspiring me in so many different ways, thank you to Bogi and the team of Opus for inviting us!!!After the show we enjoyed good food and good wine : ), went out into the fresh air for a little walk, had another drink in a bar around the corner of the venue and went to bed a little late : ). In the end Fab was entertaining Sarah and me with his special talent of imitating accents in english…one day you have to hear him, it is incredibly funny! Next morning the sun was shining and we walked through town, sitting in the sun, drinking coffee…mathias had a cake, oh yes, we found a place where they had cakes made entirely without any sugar and he was as happy as he can be!!!
I can’t wait to to be back ; ), yours Lia!
check out Pawel's work: